Thursday, October 20, 2011

Before Your Next Quote Attack


This morning I am doing the Happy Dance. If I don't share this news with you, I might burst. I can't afford to burst, because tomorrow I have to post another Friday Showcase of amazing artists on Etsy. So consider this a therapeutic post from someone who can't contain her excitement.

Some of you know that I started out many eons ago as a writer. For thirty-something years, I have written magazine articles, curriculum, and books for children and families. My publishers have been wonderful, and I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I've added photography to the mix, and now - writing for Kindle.  In case you've just awakened from a long nap, Kindle is the top-selling e-reader. Mainstream publishers are creating e-book versions of their books, and those of us who are willing to work through the e-book formatting can create directly through the Kindle publishing platform online.

I didn't start out to write an e-book. I simply wanted a collection of quotes that I could download to my Kindle and carry with me on trips, campouts, and wherever I find a few spare minutes to read. (I love my Kindle because it's lightweight and I take in in my purse everywhere.) I wrote 365 Quotes to Go and copied the file to my Kindle. A friend said she wanted a copy, then another...and I decided, Why not upload this for Kindle users?

I priced it at a reasonable $2.99 and it did well for a few months. This past Monday, I decided to drop the price to 99¢, and that's where the fun began. It hit the bestsellers list in three separate categories of Kindle's Reference section yesterday, and this morning it sits at #19 (Research), #24 (Quotations), and #29 (Fun Facts). 

There must be a lot of others out there who love a good bargain, plus feel as I do--a day is not complete without a good quote!

Happy Thursday!



  1. I downloaded it as soon as I realized you'd published an e-book of quotes! Love me some good quotes, Bonnie. Love you, too!

  2. Vicki, you're sweet. Must be from spending time with that darling grandbaby. :) Thank you!


So glad you stopped by!