Friday, July 29, 2011

And the Winner Is...

Not that I'm bragging of course. Oh no. My parents didn't raise bragging kids. But can I just say that I NEVER win anything. Almost never, anyway. I did win a big basketful of pasta, sauce, cloth napkins, placemats, glasses, and a really good bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil at the county fair fifteen years ago. And in third grade, I won a drawing and got to scoot my desk over next to the beloved classroom aquarium. For the next few weeks, I was in charge of the chubby praying mantis, who happened to be expecting babies.

Do you know what happens when a praying mantis gives birth? These are not eggs, but hundreds of wiggly, almost-invisible little babies that scurry off to meet the world within seconds.  I won't waste your time describing how I didn't check the aquarium lid, and how I forgot to snap it securely in place. And...well, the rest is wiggly history.
So back to my current win.  Dianne over at Campbell Kids Farm held a drawing recently. I tossed my hat into the ring, and the winner was selected from a website that specializes in managing drawings for blogs and websites. It's a great way to keep things fair and easy. No reaching in a fish bowl for scraps of paper.  Imagine my surprise when the results came back bearing my name! And imagine my thrill when I received a boxful of country-themed goodies yesterday! 

I have to say, Dianne did a great job of choosing items that make me grin every time I see them...especially the adorable chicken duo. See them? They're even cuter in person. And that flower candleholder! It's chubby and holds a delicious green candle.

The apron is a beautiful design of layered polka dots and flowers. It's perfect with the Country Cooking recipe book, which (ok, I am bragging a little here...) I intend to use happily for the rest of my life. I am 61, and I'd better hurry, because that baby has 2,151 recipes.

Thank you, Dianne, for making this Friday a little brighter!

1 comment:

So glad you stopped by!